How Salespeople Can Cope With Stress, Anxiety & Burnout - With Liz George

Episode #31

Tom Bailey, founder of Succeed Through Speaking, interviews Liz George. Liz George is the founder of the Liz George Wellbeing Centre and a qualified CBT Therapist and Councillor. She helps sales professionals who work in a very stressful environment to manage their stress and anxiety levels. Why you've got to check out Liz's episode: - Discover how Liz helps highly effective sales people working in a highly pressurised environment and how they struggle to manage their stress and the emotional impact that selling can have on their lives. - Understand the common struggle that Liz's clients go through often leading to burnout from prolonged and unmanaged stress. - Learn about the common mental health problems and physical symptoms of stress and what coping mechanisms these people may turn to, as well as the impact this can have on their performance at work. - Why you should talk to someone, whether this is a trusted friend, a family member, a GP or a professional who is specifically trained to deal with stress specifically. - Get access to Liz's 'Essential Guide on How to Boost Your Emotional Wellbeing From Today' and the significant positive impact these five things can do to your mental and physical wellbeing. Resources / Links (