How To Use Podcasts To Land Clients And Massive Referrals - With Steve Gordon

Episode #38

Tom Bailey, founder of Succeed Through Speaking, interviews Steve Gordon. Steve Gordon is a 2-time entrepreneur, and bestselling author of Unstoppable Referrals: 10x Referrals, Half the Effort and The Exponential Network Strategy. He’s the host of The Unstoppable CEO podcast and has published over 400 articles on marketing and sales for professional service firms. His firm, The Unstoppable Agency helps consultants and digital agencies land great clients by hosting their own podcast and using his proprietary Podcast Prospecting Method. Why you've got to check out Steve's episode: - Discover how Steve is a hero to service business owners, that are experts at what they do, but have trouble balancing the marketing and selling side of the business as well as the delivery side of the business. - Understand the challenge of balancing the pipeline and the amount of work you have on. And the problem that this creates for business owners never being able to find the freedom they are looking for. - Learn how to really move the needle by thinking about system design to help you automate your marketing system which attracts new leads, attracts new strategic partners and nurtures your key prospects. And why you really need a team to help you build and maintain your system. - Get access to Steve's book 'Podcast Prospecting' to use a podcast as a tool to get all of your marketing done in about an hour a week to get amazing strategic partners, as well as a pipeline of prospects. - Find out what Steve learned about business and humility after going through a divorce. Resources / Links ( (