Strategies For Putting Money Behind Brand Building Campaigns - With Michael Sanchez

Episode #49

Tom Bailey, founder of Succeed Through Speaking, interviews Michael Sanchez. Senior Paid Traffic Manager Michael Sanchez is a wiz at all things marketing from social media to email, text messaging, and Google ads. Throughout his career he has managed millions of dollars in budgets for paid media, SEO, UX, CX, Email marketing, social media, brand partnerships across some well known brands. Here at the Unstoppable Entrepreneur Michael has helped to expand the channel we're marketing to; including google, Youtube and many more in the near future.He looks forward to learning more about each client's program and market to continue effectively expanding their horizons and helping them achieve their goals. Why you've got to check out Michael's episode: - Discover how Michael and their company helps entrepreneurs who are trying to gain more exposure, become the industry leader and enable them to explode and get to that next level. - Understand some of the typical challenges entrepreneurs face, including spending too much time on the tasks and activities they are not skilled at i.e. coaches having to run their own FB Ads. Instead you should focus on your area of genius and outsource the tasks that are not in your area of expertise. - Why you should focus the majority of your time on what you do best and allow your team or virtual assistants to handle what they are best at. - How to get access to the unstoppable entrepreneur Facebook group, learn strategy based principles and unlock free weekly training. - Finally, learn from Michaels own mistake when it comes to running paid ads and why you need to know when to pull the campaign, pause, pivot and implement the early changes to take your campaign in a new direction. Resources / Links (