How To Create a Coaching Package That Sells Itself - With Cindy Schulson

Episode #53

Tom Bailey, founder of Succeed Through Speaking, interviews Cindy Schulson. Cindy Schulson shows coaches how to stand out in this noisy online world and enrol more High Value clients by marketing with heart vs. hype. Cindy brings a decade of marketing experience working for such companies as Coca-Cola and Visa, combined with a decade of online marketing to create a paradigm shift in how marketing can be done with integrity and heart. One of her greatest gifts is helping her clients sort through their “brain dump” of ideas so they can find the golden nuggets that make them shine in their own unique way. Why you've got to check out Cindy's episode: - Discover how Cindy helps coaches or consultants who have a foundation of success in their business and are moving from referrals and offline to online business. Also helping professionals transitioning into business. - Understand the biggest challenges of having lack of clarity and why you need a solid gold foundation for your business before you go out and start taking action in your business. - Why your niche, your message and your offer are the three key pillars that you need to have absolute clarity on before you launch your business. - Learn the impact of not getting these foundations in place including investing in a lot of tactical programs, spinning your wheels, and ultimately chasing after glitter when you should really be going after gold. - How to get access to Cindy's deep drive training on how to create a coaching package that sells itself. Resources / Links (