How To Have Your Business Support Your Life - With John Nieuwenburg

Episode #55

Tom Bailey, founder of Succeed Through Speaking, interviews John Nieuwenburg. John Nieuwenburg is an award-winning Business Coach, who has worked with hundreds of clients. John coaches in 3 primary areas. Business: getting things done using proven tools, strategies and techniques to grow your business. Personal Growth: working with you in areas such as decision making, leadership, delegation and time management. Accountability: helping you to stay accountable for the results you have chosen. In an earlier life, John was the President of the BC Liquor Stores that today does about $3Bn of which about $1Bn is profit. Before that he was an Executive with a national menswear retailer. Why you've got to check out John's episode: - Discover how John helps professionals, solopreneurs and advisors and the common challenges that they face. - The typical challenge of being extremely well qualified technically but not knowing how to turn this technical knowledge into business acumen. The three issues that most of their clients face around Time, Team and Money. - The effect of these challenges on their lives including being unhappy outside of work, unable to attend their children's sporting and school events and a poor work life balance. - How and why you need to learn business acumen and the benefits of having access to coaches and mentors. - Get access to a number of useful downloads from John's website using the link below. Resources / Links (