How To Do Marketing That Feels Good, Does Good and Gets Good Results - With Karen Webber

Episode #64

Tom Bailey, founder of Succeed Through Speaking, interviews Karen Webber. Karen Webber of Goodness Marketing helps small businesses do marketing that feels good, does good and gets good results. Karen is part of the team behind the ethical move, creating a movement for ethical marketing. Originally from South Africa, Karen now lives in the UK. Why you've got to check out Karen's episode: - Learn how Karen helps small businesses with big hearts. Those business owners who care about their impact in the world and treating people fairly. Those businesses who are so passionate about helping their customers are good at marketing but not great. - Why a lot of marketing techniques don't work for these small businesses and the negative impacts this can have on both the business and the business owner. - The importance of listening to your instincts and your inner voice. And why you need to have a mindset shift to ensure you can implement these new strategies successfully. - Discover how to get access to the Ethical Move platform and the resources available on the goodness marketing newsletter. - Hear Karen's suggestion on where the best place to start is when you are looking to shift the focus on your marketing. Starting with why! Resources / Links